Software Defined Storage Architecture

The below diagram shows the generic architecture of a software defined storage environment.
Software defined storage architecture. This approach to storage architecture uses a layer of software to provision orchestrate and manage physical data storage capacity on industry standard servers. Regardless of what storage hardware you own the software is the brain and layer. Storage io paths are complex and pass through multiple stages and pathing issues easily compromise quality of service qos and. What is software defined storage.
Sds is a mature proven technology benefitting it organizations and services providers across verticals and use cases. By decoupling storage management software from hardware software defined solutions enable hardware and software to be acquired independently rather than locking organizations into. Sds challenges and opportunities. But with vendors from many different corners of the data storage market claiming to offer products espousing software defined storage architecture it staff can become confused as to the true meaning of the term.
Whether you love it hate it or just don t understand it software defined storage sds has carved out a place in the technology market. But software defined storage users still need to integrate sds with hardware and design the physical infrastructure so it optimizes the software defined storage layer. As with any new technology software defined storage presents a number of challenges for organizations that want to experience its benefits. Although the physical storage devices themselves are central to sds they are not a part of the sds environment.
Separate the management and provisioning of storage from the underlying physical hardware similar to server and network virtualization with the architecture of software defined storage sds sds replaces static and inefficient hardware with dynamic agile and automated solutions. The software enabling a software defined storage environment may. By implementing sds model you will see the following benefits. Software defined storage adds a layer of abstraction to storage infrastructure enabling greater flexiblity scalability and automation.
Software defined storage sds is a marketing term for computer data storage software for policy based provisioning and management of data storage independent of the underlying hardware. The fundamental component of the sds environment is the policy driven. Physical storage may be block based file based or object based storage systems or commodity hardware. The software defined storage is also known as the modern way of re structuring your storage base by parting storage software from storage hardware.
Ability to scale storage both horizontally and vertically.